What's that you say?
Famous quotes from Chico " Looking Good!" "Little dog in the back window with it's head going up and down" "Cheese and Crackers" "Ees not my job" "You got it" "Hello" Famous quotes from Ed Brown "Get outta my garage!" "Hey look it's killing the flies" "With the money I have in my insurance policy. It would of given me enough money to be wrapped in aluminum foil and shoved underneath a porch"
Famous quotes from Chico " Looking Good!" "Little dog in the back window with it's head going up and down" "Cheese and Crackers" "Ees not my job" "You got it" "Hello"
Famous quotes from Chico
" Looking Good!"
"Little dog in the back window with it's head going up and down"
"Cheese and Crackers"
"Ees not my job"
"You got it"
"Get outta my garage!"
"Hey look it's killing the flies"
"With the money I have in my insurance policy. It would of given me enough money to be wrapped in aluminum foil and shoved underneath a porch"
website designed by Suzanne of Hue Mee Designs
Happy Anniversary Chico and the Man!Celebrating 30 years of classic comedy televison.